А вот кто у нас опять упоролся? Возможно, заменю часть вопросов: они кажутся мне странными. А вообще... присоединяйтесь, кто смотрел/читал: вместе всяко веселее

Day 1. Favorite character
Day 2. Least favorite character
Day 3. A character that you wished wasn’t dead?
Day 4. Favorite moment/scene/chapter
Day 5. Funniest moment
Day 6. Favorite combat/fighting scene
Day 7. Saddest moment
Day 8. Character you look like the most
Day 9. Favorite arc
Day 10. Favorite Zoldyck family member
Day 11. Least favorite arc
Day 12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu
Day 13. Favorite nen type or nen type you’d like to have
Day 14. Your OTP
Day 15. Favorite and least favorite anime only moment/episode
Day 16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you
Day 17. Your non romantic OTP
Day 18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent
Day 19. Favorite member of the Zodiac 12
Day 20. Favorite member of the Genei Ryodan
Day 21. Favorite type of hunter and type of hunter you’d like to be
Day 22. Favorite Chimera Ant
Day 23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
Day 24. Favorite song/soundtrack theme
Day 25. Favorite opening/ending
New! Day 26. Character with your favorite outfit
Day 27. Favorite fanart
Day 28. Favorite nen ability or set of abilities
Day 29. Least favorite nen ability
Day 30. Why do you like Hunter x Hunter?
BONUS: Day 31: Whatever you want: